2025 Games & Descriptions

WGA-9 2024 Game Descriptions


1-2-3  - Each player plays her own game and keeps the net score. On Par 5’s – circle the 1 low net score; on Par 4’s – circle 2 low net scores; on Par 3’s – circle 3 low net scores.  At the end of the game, total all circles scores for a team score. 

7 Up   -   Play your regular game and keep gross score.  Choose your seven best holes to total for your game score.

4 Gal Team - Net Best Ball -  

Each player plays her own game and keeps the net score. Four-person teams.  Use the best net score on each hole. 3-person teams use a ghost and use the handicap of the person playing the ghost. 

Dice Game -  Each player plays her own game and keeps the gross score. Each Captain will have one die (please turn in after round).  After each hole is finished, proceed to the next hole and before teeing off, have one player roll the die.  The number rolled will be the player’s score that is circled as the team score.  If a 5 or 6 is rolled, you may select anyone’s score.

SCRAMBLE - 4-Person. 2 Drives per Player.  Each player tees off and the best ball is selected.  All players hit from the selected position and continue format until the ball is holed.  No Gimmies.  Twosomes will automatically be disqualified.

STEP ASIDE SCRAMBLE - 4-Person. 2 Drives per Player must be used. Each player tees off and the team chooses which ball to use.  The person that hit the chosen shot does not hit the next shot.  This continues to the hole.  Twosomes will automatically be disqualified.

CRUSH CANCER  4-Person Scramble - Select best ball from foursome after tee off. Each player hits ball from that position within a club length, no closer to hole and in like condition. Repeat until ball is holed. Ghost. Twosomes will automatically be disqualified.


Each player plays her own ball and keeps the gross score.  Record game points for each hole as the following:

-     1 point for hitting Fairways on Par 4’s

-     1 point for hitting Greens on Par 3’s

-     2 points for a 1 Putt or a Chip-In

Record the total points for each person for an individual score.

Clubs and Putter  - Each player is limited to carry a total of 4 clubs in their bag.  One of these clubs is a Putter.  Play regular golf and keep individual scores.  Winners will be the lowest gross scores. No scores will be posted in GHIN.

HANDICAP TOURNAMENT. Handicap Tournament Rules Sheet will be posted.

LOW GROSS INDIVIDUAL - Each player plays her own game and keeps the gross score.  Gross score will be posted to GHIN.

LOW NET INDIVIDUAL  - Each player plays her own game and keeps her own score.  Subtract the handicap from the gross score for individual score. Gross score will be posted to GHIN. 

LOW PUTTS – Individual – Everyone plays their own game and keeps gross score and records their putts for each hole.  All strokes must be recorded and taken.  All putts must be counted after reaching the green.  If a player putts a ball off the green after being on the green, the stroke to return the ball to the green does not count as a PUTT.  This applies even if you use your putter to hit the ball back on the green.  Only putts count. NO GIMME PUTTS! 

Hate ‘Em Play your regular game and keep gross score. Before the round begins, each golfer selects 3 holes to throw out at the end of the round (circle on score card) for the game score.  The three holes must include one par-3, one par-4, and one par-5. 

Par 3’s and 4’s – 2 Gal - Each player plays her own game and keeps her own score.  For Par 3’s and 4’s, select the best low net score and circle that score.  Add the circled scores on 3’s and 4’s for the team score. Single player rule:  If you have no teammate, you will play your own game and then will have a blind partner drawn from your flight to make a 2-gal team. 

Low Gross Evens - Play your regular game and keep gross score.  Use your score on holes 2, 4, 6, 8 for the game score. Gross scores will be posted to GHIN.

Ryder Cup 

The first 3 holes will be played as a Scramble, the next 3 holes will be played as a Shamble and the last 3 holes will be played as a Best Ball.  Scramble:  Everyone tees off and select best shots to be played by everyone until holed.  Shamble:  Everyone tees off and selects the best drive and from that point, everyone plays their own game until holed. Best score is selected.  Best Ball:  Everyone plays their own game and you select the lowest score on each hole for your team score.

(There will be 1 score per hole for the team score.)

For a 3-person team – see “Ghost” rules. 

Shamble - FOURSOME - 2 Drives per Player. All 4 players tee off.  Select the best shot and then play out individually from that spot until the ball is holed. No GIMMIES.  Lowest NET scores win game.  No individual scores will be posted to GHIN. 

Star + 1 Low Net  - Each player plays her own game.  All players rotate being the Star in the order listed on the score card.  On each hole you take the Star’s net score plus the low net score of one of the remaining 3 players.  Each player will be the Star 2 times.  On the 9th hole you will take the 2 best net scores. 

15/20 - Each player plays her own game and keeps the net score.  At the end of each hole, the team will decide with NET scores to keep (if any).  Teams of 3 will need to keep a total of 15 scores and teams of 4 will need to keep a total of 20 scores.  At the end of the round, 3-person teams will divide their total by 3 and 4-person teams will divide their total by 4. No twosomes.  

Luck of the Irish  - Each player plays her own game and keeps the net score. Count one net score on holes 1 - 3 (10-12), count two net scores on holes 4 - 6 (13-15), count three net scores on holes 7-9 (16-18).  Use a ghost for a 3-person team; no twosomes allowed. Gross scores will be posted to GHIN.

Net Stableford - Play your regular game and keep net score. On each hole, record points based on your net score on the hole.    Points are awarded based on net score – Bogey = 1, Par = 2, Birdie = 3, Eagle = 4, and Double Eagle = 8. Gross scores will be posted to GHIN.

Solheim (2 person team)  - Two person team. Holes 1-3 Scramble; holes 4-6 one low net; holes 7-9 alternate shot.  Select the best net score for each hole.

Waltz 1-2-3 - Foursome mixed team, use one net score on the first hole, two net scores on the second hole, and three net scores on the third hole.  Repeat this order throughout the remainder of the holes, one on the fourth, two on the fifth, three on the sixth, etc. Gross scores will be posted to GHIN.


In the event a team member cancels, the Pairings Chair will do everything possible to complete teams by rearranging tee times of players.  2-Team Games, in particular, may result in a single player, who may play their own game.  The player will not be eligible for prizes without a partner.  If a 4-person team is missing a player, either a “Ghost” or “Blind Draw” will complete the team.  

Blind Draw – Slips of paper with names of all players in the flight of the absent member are placed together, and a name is drawn.  That player's score is used in place of the missing member's score.

Ghost – Each member takes a turn for the missing player – Example:  Player #1 plays hole #1 for the missing member; Player #2 plays hole #2 for the missing member; Player #3 playes hole #3 for the missing member.  Continue to rotate through the 9 holes.

ABCD - Pairings will be drawn 1 each from A, B, C, & D players

AB , CD, etc : a twosome pairing will be drawn from A, B, C, or D players as indicated

FLIGHTED – Pairings are drawn within flights.